Tabula Rasa

01 November 2013

I'll confess, I took some time out from blogging and studio work in general to sort out some real life issues... ironically, blogging and studio work in general. For the former, it was a question of focus and content, and for the latter, a catastrophic, daily battle with the ever-present leaking roof. I've talked about the roof before, but basically it got worse and worse - much worse - to the point where I was losing materials and the actual heart and momentum to go there and do anything without having to soak up puddles before I'd even begun.

take care of the quantity and let the universe take care of the quality

So, I moved out. All in all, I've had a good three years with my own outside studio, and now I'm going back to where I started and working from home again. It's free, I can work when I want to, listen to the music I want, and there's unlimited coffee. I'm finding that my creativity has increased in leaps and bounds and that feels really good. At some point in the future I'll look for an outside space but with a very specific checklist of criteria - it has to be right for me and not just the cachet of "having a studio". An artist is an artist wherever they work.

  • Take care of the quantity and let the Universe take care of the quality
  • Do something creative every day - anything, no matter how "small"

I moved all of my equipment into the hallway and my easel is set up in the living room where we have fantastic light. What you see is a blank canvas ready to spring into life and action for 100 Artists for World AIDS Day in December - and I am so excited and privileged to be taking part in that. It's on with the MP3 player, fire up the coffee machine and away I go. It's all good.

And another thing

100 Artists for World AIDS Day
Facebook Event Here

Tabula Rasa by Arvo Paert
On my MP3 player

My beginner's easel
Available Here

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